On Friday, school let out after a 1/2 day. Erich, his dad, stepmom and BrieAnne are heading to Ilhabela - an island off the coast of Sao Paulo. He is looking forward to a weekend away and the creature comforts of a hotel (like t.v. maybe?)... I am excited for them to be getting away. It's Krysten's birthday on Monday; what an awesome birthday gift!

Above are some photos and below is some information on his exciting adventure ... maybe they'll take some photos I can post here as well.
The town of Ilhabela ("Beautiful Island"), founded on the Ilha de São Sebastião in 1532, is 228km/142mi east of São Paulo and (by ferry) 7km/4.3mi from the town of São Sebastião, on the mainland across the channel of that name. It has preserved from the colonial period the principal church (1532), part of the town walls, a number of old cannon and some fine sugar-cane plantations, the first to be established on the north coast of São Paulo. It is now one of the most popular tourist resorts in São Paulo state, thanks mainly to its impressive waterfalls and beautiful beaches.
With snow being predicted for Monday it's easy to wish we could all be there!
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