Well, Erich, his dad, step-mom and 1/2 sister had a great time in Ilhabela. Erich's favorite thing was the beach... I guess the beaches there (well, most of them) are super crowded... full of chairs and tables and people... the Brazilians loved to be waited on... not our idea of the beach... getting away to relax with as few people around as possible! His dad described it as similar to St. Lucia; a mountain that sticks up out of the ocean with beaches along it's coastlines... I haven't been to St. Lucia, but I got the picture. There wasn't a lot to do so of course Erich got bored. But all in all I think they enjoyed getting away.
Erich gets his report card today or tomorrow. I have been praying that his test in Math went well today and he could lift his grade some. Oh, and they received their air shipment of things they sent down in early January. Glad they sent it by air. It's been 3 months. Yikes! So they received clothes and books and things they might need first. Funny thing is, the rest of their belongings, (furniture and such) is in Brazil as well - and should be to their home sometime next week. It's almost like the tortoise and the hare story... although the hare wins this time (but barely). Erich is so excited to get his things. To sleep in his own bed and WATCH TV and play XBOX 360! ;)
Erich is also looking forward to coming home in the summer. I am hoping to have a big birthday celebration and welcome home get-together for him. He returns as a teenager. Can you fathom? Erich will be 13!
I had a great talk with him yesterday. I think mostly I talked. But hearing his voice makes my day. I can't wait until they have their p.c. and webcam hooked up. So I can see him while we talk. Just the thought brings a tear!
I have been trying to keep this blog all about Erich and his adventures in Brazil. I am praying for God's leading regarding starting another blog about my own personal adventure through all of this, and other things... maybe. We'll see. It's good therapy for me though... To write. Maybe make someone laugh. And to share Erich's journey. Has he only been gone 3 months? Not even. Phew. A little more than 2 more months to go.
Be blessed.